Young people who have little experience of close relationships with the opposite sex often ask themselves: how can I learn to kiss properly?
Learn to kiss correctly
It is important to note here that each person is doing this spicy work in the way they like, want and do. This is absolutely correct from your point of view. No one can give unsatisfactory notes for this case to anyone. That is why there are no general rules here. But there are a few recommendations and advice, implemented that without being sophisticated about love and sex young people can feel more confident and secure.
First of all, for an intimate kiss you have to choose the right place. There is no point in kissing anywhere, even if the feelings are so strong that they are unbearable. And additional witnesses will only be a hindrance unless, of course, you make every effort to impress your friends and girlfriends. So try to find the right, romantic and mysterious place. Although it happens that even the kitchen of the student residence is more attractive for this kind of “entertainment” than a strict marital bedroom.
Before you go straight to the kiss, make sure you look into your partner’s eyes, gently hold their hands, mysteriously silent for a few seconds.
Secondly, be sure to create emotional contact with your partner. If he’s not ready for intimate caresses now, if he’s in a bad mood, it’s unlikely you’ll try to kiss him at that moment. Your reaction to this may be negative.
Thirdly, in a kiss, there is always one person who plays the main role, the other a slave. If you are not yet experienced, why not become a slave for the first time? By trusting your partner completely, you can understand his individual way of kissing, which will help you adapt to him. After all, there is nothing more pleasant than a kiss in unison.
Intimate kisses can be different, and many kinds of advice can be found. But you shouldn’t try to learn and adopt something exotic. The main thing that is required to obtain the greatest pleasure – is full mutual sympathy, the desire to please your partner, to make him/her happy. And you can learn the technique of kissing gradually. Aren’t you going to separate from your partner after the first kiss?
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