The 5 main reasons why women become escorts



We already have an idea of why people employ escorts – but why do girls become escorts? Many persons love and perpetuate the cliché of women with “relationship problems”, but this is a generalization that lately doesn’t fit many girls in the industry. So why do girls choose to become sex workers? With the help of some of our nice escort girls in Mallorca, we have studied few of their motives.

Enjoy intimate relationships

Like men, women have an active libido and delight the sex. To work as an escort gives them the chance to satisfy their sexual urges and connect with their customers.

They need income

Having a source of income is a necessity for most people – female escorts are no different! Escorting can be a lucrative career and can give economic stability and versatility to girls from all walks of life.

They want to be their own heads

Women who become escorts often have business profiles, and want to make their own way in the world. They want to work under their own terms, the hours they wish, and dealing only with the people they want. Being an escort is a chance to take control of their lives and make the terms of their interactions, and part of this is to choose who they will have as customers and to decide the limits of what they will do.

They like to get to know different people

One of the key features of the escorts women is that they have a close and friendly personality. I can assure you that all our girls love to meet new people and interact with their customers.

They have self-esteem

Relying enough on your own body and abilities to reach it accessible for the pleasure of others demand the someone to have a elevated self-esteem and information of their own worth. Girls who choose this line of work know who they are and what they are doing!

If we discuss about the reasons why girls become sex workers, it able be something else or a conjunction of all motives. Well, at the evening, it doesn’t really matter why they do it – the most important thing is that they love their work, and give you an unforgettable experience!!

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